Dec 31, 2019
#233: Deepak is considering downsizing his family’s home, but wants to know if the savings are worth the transaction costs he’ll have to pay.
Anonymous and her husband hold $900,000 worth of privately-owned company stock. How should they plan for handling this money?
Shelby is 25 years old and works for a company...
Dec 27, 2019
#232: Anthony ONeal is the bestselling author of Debt-Free Degree, a book that teaches parents how to help their children graduate from college without student loans.
He’s part of the Dave Ramsey Solutions team, which teaches people how to pay off and avoid debt, and he's the co-author of Graduate Survival Guide,...
Dec 16, 2019
#231: Avie needs to decide between two options: paying off a rental property, or funding a retirement account. Which should she choose?
Lisa wants to know: when should you fund an HSA account?
Sofia’s parents have lived with her for the past few years, but Sofia’s job is relocating her out-of-state. How can she...
Dec 9, 2019
#230: Dr. Susan David, a psychologist on the faculty at Harvard Medical School, joins us to talk about emotional agility.
Dr. David has researched emotional agility for around 20 years. A few years ago, she summarized her work on this concept for the Harvard Business Review. Her article became one of the most...
Dec 6, 2019
#229: Normally, we’re a once-a-week podcast, with episodes airing every Monday. But on the first Friday of every month, we have a First Friday bonus episode!
Helen discovered that her mother fraudulently opened credit card accounts in her name. Eek! How can she protect herself? What will happen to these accounts once...